CKL’s planning team members have collaborated with other experts to deliver some great outcomes for the Brymer Heights development in Hamilton.
Our planners oversaw input from CKL’s specialist practice areas, as well as external parties. Planning assessments were required specifically in relation to the adjoining Waiwhakareke Natural Heritage Park and potential impacts on ecology. Through consultation and the inclusion of on-site landscaping, adverse effects have been minimised, while increasing on-site amenity.
Working within the framework of the Hamilton City and Waikato Regional Plans, as well as the Resource Management Plan and National Policy Statements, the CKL planning team has prepared resource consent applications and managed the consenting process. Resource Consents are now in place, enabling work to proceed on site.
CKL environmental engineers approach all land development projects with an innovative mindset and best practice engineering design. Stormwater run-off from this 16ha site will be treated at the source with rain gardens before reaching 1 of 3 planned wetland areas.
Significant topographical, ecological, and flood modelling investigations have been conducted to assess the site for development suitability. The stormwater design for the development incorporates Water Sensitive Urban Design to ensure the ecological protection of this site, the downstream receiving environment, and the neighbouring natural heritage park.
CKL’s civil engineers have prepared detailed engineering design for this 196-lot residential subdivision and associated reserves, infrastructure, transport corridors and stormwater facilities.
The site itself is considered rolling to steep terrain, with a ridge through the centre of the site. To achieve relatively level lots and gently-graded roads, significant earthworks is required - this includes the construction of various retaining walls, including a Mechanically Stabilized Earth (MSE) retaining wall. In order to reduce the cost of importing material, approximately 150,000m3 of suitable cut material will be retained on-site and used as fill material.
Earthworks is currently underway and will be completed over two construction seasons.
The Brymer Heights development will eventually include 5 internal roads, extending Kawariki Drive and connecting through to Brymer Road. This is all part of the resource consent application and integrated transportation assessment, conducted and prepared by CKL transportation engineers.
The aim is to make Brymer Heights a slow speed community with plenty of walking and cycling options including a shared walking and cycle path to run east - west through the site through the reserve area and another north-south pathways linking the whole site to the reserve.