With International Women’s Day being marked by many today, we see it as an opportunity to celebrate the talented women across CKL and their achievements. We got together for a delicious morning tea and quiz in each of our offices on some of the most notable women worldwide.
We’re proud of the way we celebrate diversity here at CKL, with women across our business making up 29% of our total employees. Wider representation for women is certainly shifting for our disciplines, and in fact women in planning are the majority with 57.2% of NZ Planning Institute 2022 Salary Survey respondents being female.
The field of engineering continues to evolve, and while female engineers are still a minority, we’re actively working to increase female representation in engineering (currently 14% of engineers are women, according to the Diversity Agenda).
It won’t happen overnight, but it’s terrific to see everyone’s collective efforts today (and every day) to drive for gender equality.