Over the past two years, CKL has worked with Tainui Group Holdings (TGH) to see the new Cambridge Police Base, a ground-breaking approach to community policing, come to fruition.
Over the course of the project, members of CKL’s Planning and Transportation teams worked with TGH, PAUA Architects, and Waipā District Council to iron out a few issues, including a carparking shortfall, vehicle access near a busy intersection and in close proximity to a large heritage tree, and installing a 14m communications mast. The CKL surveying team then pegged out the building footprint to ensure that the building was right where it needed to be.
The unique nature of this project led to a truly collaborative approach between all of the parties during the various processes, so that we now have this first-of-its-kind facility. It has been designed to provide a hub that encourages community engagement as a means of reducing crime. This includes the provision of a whānau room, which can be accessed without entering the main police hub.
It is hoped that this facility will lead to many more being established throughout the Tainui rohe, and potentially encourage collaboration for similar facilities between New Zealand Police and other iwi throughout the motu.