We are delighted to further strengthen our humanitarian and disaster recovery work within the Pacific region and work with UNICEF, the Ministry of Education (MoET), the Ministry of Health (MoH) and Department of Water Resources (DoWR) to improve community, school and healthcare water and sanitation facilities in Vanuatu.
As part of the work programme, CKL will create a Bill of Quantities Toolkit which will help facilitators and DWSSP participants create a plan for improvements to water and sanitation facilitates for schools, communities and healthcare facilities. The Toolkit will bridge the gap between risk assessment and implementation.
In Vanuatu they say "Water is life" and we are proud to be taking services to scale and empowering communities. This work will ensure the people of Vanuatu have improved access to basic drinking water and sanitation. It will also contribute to strengthening capacities of governments to plan for, adapt to, and recover from the effects of hazards and disasters, as well as longer term climate changes that are impacting on water availability and water, sanitation and hygiene services.
The toolkit supports the National Implementation Plan to reach the sustainable development goal 6 for water: https://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/sdg6
Andy Dow, a member of our environmental engineering team is the principal engineer on the project. He has already been up to Vanuatu and met with UNICEF, the Department of Water Resources, Red Cross, World Vision and ADRA. Over the next few months, Andy will be working with our partners in Vanuatu to develop the Bill of Quantities Toolkit and to train facilitators on how to use the tools to improve national services.
UNICEF works in 190 countries and territories to protect the rights of every child. UNICEF has spent 70 years working to improve the lives of children and their families. Defending children's rights throughout their lives requires a global presence, aiming to produce results and understand their effects. UNICEF believes all children have a right to survive, thrive and fulfil their potential – to the benefit of a better world.