After just over four years working in the survey team of CKL, Adam Musa has stepped up to take on the role of Survey Manager in CKL’s Hamilton office.
Adam will lead the team of Hamilton surveyors and says he is looking forward to building on CKL’s high-performance culture.
“It’s one of the things I really enjoy about working at CKL. The team is technically sound and there is a real culture of doing things to the highest standard possible,” says Adam.
“That’s what I really enjoy. I don’t like doing things by halves.”
It’s a quick career progression for Adam, who joined the team at CKL as a graduate from Otago University, having completed a Bachelor of Surveying in 2017.
His skill has always been apparent. In 2019 Adam won the Maurice Crompton-Smith Memorial Prize for his work towards his Cadastral Surveyors License. The award from Survey and Spatial New Zealand Tātai Whenua is given for the best set of projects submitted as part of a licence qualification.
Obtaining his cadastral licensing was a big commitment and a challenge, but Adam says he learnt a lot through the process, revisiting and submitting projects he had worked on during his career to date.
Two projects Adam is proud to have been the lead surveyor for are the boundary redefinition surveys associated with the extension of gas infrastructure for Titanium Park, near Hamilton’s airport, and Waiuku in 2017 and 2019, respectively.
Adam was also the lead surveyor in a team of four who carried out a topographic survey of Waikeria Prison’s 130-hectare development site, and has been involved in multiple greenfield residential, commercial, and industrial developments within Hamilton. As part of these, he completed planning applications, construction set out and acted as the signing cadastral surveyor, and is also part of the Survey and Spatial National Team and Waikato Branch.
“Surveying takes a lot of preparation. You need to understand the nuances of the whole project, not just the piece of land you are surveying,” says Adam.
“Understanding the entire project a developer is working on ensures they can achieve their goals.”
Adam will be supported in his new role at CKL by Principal Team Leader Stu Lennox while Jonathan Gwyn will take on a Principal role leading a portfolio of significant land developments.
Adam said with a significant amount of infrastructure projects coming online and land developments picking up pace, there was increasing demand for supporting services like those offered by CKL.
“My focus in the new role will be to continue growing the team and expanding our client base, while providing technical input into larger projects and maintaining the high-level standards we are already working at.”
Outside of work Adam likes to spend time with his family and plays football, tennis, and squash regularly. He is also a board trustee for Volunteering Waikato.