One policy on our minds in 2022 is the NPS-UD (National Policy Statement – Urban Development), requiring some councils to remove minimum car parking requirements from their District Plans.
All Councils with urban areas were required to make the change to their District Plans by February 2022. The main urban areas subject to the change are Auckland, Hamilton, Tauranga, Wellington and Christchurch.
The majority of CKL projects are in these area’s and Waikato District Council, Waipa District Council, Tauranga City Council and Auckland Council have all made the changes to their district plan already.
However, for the latter, it’s not just a case of removing the minimum standards; there are extensive consequential amendments that will affect the policy framework, to be addressed by a Plan Change to be notified on 24 February.
These amendments may answer our current questions, which include; as the expected outcome is roadside parking, how will related bylaws on parking on berms and roadside parking capacity intersect? Can Councils still require parking in developments expected to produce a greater parking demand than a complying development? Will developers be left to make their own decisions, based on market acceptance?
The NPS-UD also provides significant changes to residential development opportunities providing for increased density.
If you are in the process of preparing a proposal or even have an application in Auckland and are wondering how this might affect it, or with one of the other Councils, remember CKL has extensive experience in undertaking parking, transportation and planning assessments. We’re always happy to answer your questions.