17 Oct 2024

Client: Felicity Holloway, Lifestyle Block Owner
Project: Subdivision of a 4-acre property in Te Pahu, Waikato
Consultant: CKL – Land Development Specialists
Outcome: Successful subdivision completed in 11 months, overcoming legal and legislative hurdles

Felicity Holloway’s 4-acre lifestyle block is nestled between Mount Pirongia and the Limestone Cliffs of Te Pahu, Waikato. Originally established in the 1960s, the property included a combination of flat grazing land, the house site and surrounding grounds, and a steeply sloped orchard.

Felicity and her family loved the area and wanted to remain there, but maintaining the entire property had become burdensome, and building a new house elsewhere was not financially feasible due to skyrocketing land prices in the region.

The solution seemed straightforward—subdivide the property and sell part of it to fund their new build. However, as Felicity discovered, without the right partners, subdividing a rural block can become a complex process.

Navigating Changing Regulations
Before approaching CKL, Felicity had consulted with another planning consultant who advised that they could subdivide using a Transferrable Title. Unfortunately, by the time they were ready to proceed, the rules had changed. Under the new National Policy Statement for Highly Productive Land (NPSHPL), their land was now considered “highly productive,” creating another subdivision consent hurdle.

“We were told we could not do it,” recalls Felicity. “Our planner initially sounded optimistic but eventually backed out after we’d already spent a lot on soil assessments and fees.” Facing setbacks and additional costs, Felicity began exploring new options and reached out to CKL for a second opinion.

During her initial conversion with CKL’s planner, Matthew Vink, it was evident that CKL’s team understood the intricacies of the NPSHPL legislation better than anyone Felicity had spoken to. Their approach was straightforward yet comprehensive.

CKL engaged Ag1st, a specialist consultant, to conduct a productivity assessment of the land. This was a critical step in building a solid case that the soil’s productivity was not as high as initially classified. Once they had this evidence, CKL presented the findings to the council for pre-approval before moving forward with the subdivision consent application, ensuring there were no costly surprises down the line. From there, the subdivision consent was swiftly approved.

“Matt, our planner, and Ben, our surveyor, were just incredible,” says Felicity. “They were professional, approachable, and as determined as we were to pull this off. They made a complicated process feel smooth and straightforward.”

A Cost-Effective Solution in Just 11 Months
What had once seemed impossible was completed in record time—11 months from initial consultation to Council approval. The result was the creation of two new lots: one with the existing dwelling, which Felicity plans to sell, and a second bare lot where she and her family will build their new home.

“We’ll end up spending about $200k on the subdivision, but when you consider the alternative—spending $600k on bare land elsewhere—it’s a huge saving,” explains Felicity. “CKL’s expertise made all the difference.”

For CKL, this project is just one example of how they help rural and lifestyle block owners unlock value from their land through careful planning, strategic thinking, and a strong commitment to delivering results.

“Make sure you have a knowledgeable planner,” advises Felicity. “Shop around until you find someone with expertise in your type of subdivision. Be prepared to spend some money, but know it pays off in the end. And don’t give up too soon.”

If you have a property you are considering subdividing, contact CKL for a free consultation to see how they can make it happen.

Fill in the form at the bottom of the subdivision information page -https://www.ckl.co.nz/subdivision

Unlocking Value with Lifestyle Block SubdivisionUnlocking Value with Lifestyle Block Subdivision