Waitomo District Council (WDC) have recently publicly notified the Proposed Waitomo District Plan for submissions. This plan sets out the guidance and rules on how you can use and develop your land in Waitomo District, and is being reviewed as per the requirement to do so every 10 years.
This process means communities can reassess environmental outcomes and priorities, and redefine the vision for Waitomo District. The District Plan can have a significant effect on property owners and proposed developments, including boundary rules, the number of permitted dwellings on a property, subdivision opportunities and whether there are any ‘special values’ relating to your property.
The proposed rules don’t have any immediate legal effect, but this changes once decisions on the submissions have been issued. WDC have provided a tool for those interested in investigating particular properties on their website. Submissions are now open until Friday 23 December, so if you’d like advice on how these changes may affect you, or assistance in making a submission, do reach out to our expert team.