CKL is proud to have been involved with the Whenuapai 1 Precinct Development since the very start of the development project in 2014. This development, on the northwestern shore of the Waitematā Harbour, was one of the first designated Special Housing Areas (SHA) under the Housing Accord and Special Housing Areas Act 2013 (HAASHA) and the Auckland Unitary Plan (AUP).
SHAs were established across the greater Auckland region where fast-track development of housing, including affordable housing, could take place. Now, some seven years later, we are in the final stages of delivering the infrastructure for the 31ha urban development.
The new community of Whenuapai has ~250 new homes with the further ~700 homes being delivered in the coming years. There are shared green spaces, community facilities, dedicated dog parks, and pedestrian and cycle paths connecting this community to the Harbour and major transportation hubs.
It is a project that we are extremely proud to be a part of. CKL has provided environmental and stormwater engineering expertise; ensuring the natural waterways are protected and stormwater is effectively treated on site using innovative engineering design.
Partners include Oyster Capital Ltd, Harrison Grierson, Yeoman Survey, Stantec, Crang Civil, FRL, Collingridge and Smith Architects, Hoxha Bailey Architects and Fletchers.