As a Resource Management Planner at CKL Sarah Robson loves nothing more than seeing development plans come to life for her clients just as they expected.
022 070 8256[email protected]
In the ever-changing resource planning environment, Sarah uses her project management skills to ensure CKL’s clients always understand the status of their application and CKL’s team is on track to deliver the best outcome for them.
Sarah holds a Bachelor of Planning from Auckland University and before joining CKL she worked for the Far North District Council preparing changes to the District Plan and writing policy.
Her focus in the Far North was to make it easy for residents and developers to know where they can build, where they can do business and the important features in the Far North District that need to be looked after for future generations.
For CKL Sarah works across all facets from development from residential to greenfield and urban intensification development preparing and submitting resource consent applications and preparing submissions to council plan changes for CKL’s clients. Sarah also does some resource consent processing on behalf of Auckland Council which keeps her well abreast of what’s happening in the city planning space.